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In response to a request from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), we performed a financial, compliance and program results audit of a grant MSHA awarded to the State of Nevada (State). The audit covered Fiscal Year 1999 (October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999) as reported to MSHA on the Financial Status Report (Exhibit A). The audit disclosed that the Financial Status Report was fairly presented and the State of Nevada materially complied with rules and regulations that would have a direct effect on the Financial Status Report .

We did find, however, that the State did not accurately report program performance data because it overstated the total number of people trained by 10 percent. The State reported achieving 130 percent of its performance goals, but it actually achieved 118 percent. However, even with the corrected numbers, the State exceeded their performance goals for the year.

We recommended that the Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health direct the State to:

Overall, the State agreed with the finding and recommendations presented in the draft report. The State reported that it was transmitting revised Financial Status Reports that would accurately reflect program results and the achievement of grant goals. In addition, the State indicated that it was modifying its system of developing and reporting program data. The State's comments are included in their entirety in Appendix A.

We concurred with the State's comments and voluntary corrective actions. No further action is necessary. The two report recommendations are resolved and closed.

Report No. 09-00-004-06-601, issued September 11, 2000

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