U.S. Department of Labor
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This report presents the results of the audit of New York State's One-Stop career center system. The audit objective was to assess the status of New York's One-Stop career center system relative to where it needs to be to meet Workforce Investment Act (WIA) requirements. This report provides the reader with a snapshot as of November 29, 1999, of where New York stands in implementing WIA requirements and actions to be taken by July 1, 2000.

WIA was passed in August 1998 to reform Federal job training programs and create a new, comprehensive workforce investment system. The cornerstone of the new workforce investment system is a One-Stop service delivery, which unifies numerous training, education and employment programs into a single, customer-friendly system in each community. WIA requires that states complete full implementation by July 1, 2000.

New York has not established a State Workforce Investment Board (SWIB). A SWIB is paramount to establishing a comprehensive workforce investment system. Though New York has developed time frames to complete benchmarks established by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), New York will need a strong commitment by State and local governmental units, and required partners to meet the July 1, 2000, deadline for WIA implementation. To meet the requirements for a One-Stop career center system under WIA, New York needs to address the following issues:

The Executive Deputy Commissioner of the State of New York Department of Labor responded to our draft report on February 10, 2000. The Executive Deputy Commissioner outlined actions taken subsequent to fieldwork addressing the recommendations contained in the draft report. The response has been incorporated into the report and included in its entirety as an Appendix.
(OA Report No. 02-00-207-03-390 , issued February 22, 2000).

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