U.S. Department of Labor 
Office of Inspector General

Audit Report


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This report reflects the findings of the Office of Inspector General at the time that the audit was issued. More current information may be available as a result of the resolution of this audit by the Department of Labor program agency and the auditee. For further information concerning the resolution of this report's findings, please contact the program agency.

Report Title:    Special Reports Relating to the Federal Employees' Compensation Act -
                          Special Benefit Fund

Report No.:      12-99-004-04-431

Issue Date:       December 16, 1998

The Federal Employees' Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund was established by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act to provide income and medical cost protection worldwide for job-related injuries, diseases, or deaths of civilian employees of the Federal Government and certain other designated groups. The U. S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment Standards Administration (ESA), Office of Workers' Compensation Program (OWCP), has the responsibility to provide annual data to the 24 Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act agencies in regard to the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) future workers' compensation benefits.

FECA provides wage replacement (compensation) benefits and payment for medical services to covered Federal civilian employees injured on the job, employees who have incurred a work-related occupational disease, and the beneficiaries of employees whose death is attributable to a job-related injury or occupational disease.

This special report includes benefit payment data and related actuarial liabilities by Federal agency for informational purposes and to assist the 24 CFOs and other specified agencies in the preparation of their respective financial statements. The following summarizes what we did, what the report contains and the report results.

Our procedures were performed in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. In accordance with these standards, we rendered the following:

The report includes the agreed-upon procedures performed and the detailed results of those procedures in regard to the actuarial liability and the analytical review of benefit payments. The service auditors' report covers the control objectives, related policies and procedures and tests of operating effectiveness of the following aspects of OWCP:

        Electronic Data Processing General Controls
        Compensation and Medical Benefit Payments:

                Case Creation
                Initial Eligibility
                File Maintenance
                Continuing Eligibility (Medical Evidence and Earnings Information)
                Payment Processing
                Schedule Awards
                Death Benefits
                Medical Bill Payment Processing
                Third Party Settlements

Report Results

As a result of our audit we:

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