Office of Inspector General

U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Audit
Social Policy Research Associates - Report Cover Page

Memorandum for:  Raymond Uhalde

Memorandum For:  Steve Garfinkel


Mr. John Getek
Assistant Inspector General for Audit
Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Labor
Room S-5022
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20210


We have audited the Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice (Exhibits A through M) prepared by Social Policy Research Associates (SPRA) for the costs claimed under the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) contracts identified below for the period June 30, 1992 through March 31, 1997.
Contract No. Description Contract Period
K-3944-2-00-80-30 Statistical Support for Performance Standards 06/30/92 - 10/31/96
K-4687-4-00-80-30 Evaluation of SYETP 06/28/94 - 09/30/97
K-4749-4-00-80-30 Evaluation of Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services System 07/01/94 - 06/27/97
K-5433-5-00-80-30 Technical Assistance in the Conduct of Customer Surveys 06/21/95 - 12/20/97
K-5553-5-00-80-30 Evaluation of the Title IV Indian and Native American Program 07/01/95 - 06/30/97
N-5718-6-00-87-30 Evaluation of Job Development Broker Demonstration 03/11/96 - 09/10/97
K-5950-6-00-80-30 Statistical Support - Performance Standards 07/01/96 - 06/30/98
F-4957-5-00-80-30 Professional and Administrative Management Support 08/31/95 - 12/21/97
G-5966-6-00-87-30 One-Stop and Enterprise Panel 07/01/96 - 06/30/98

We also audited SPRA's Final Indirect Cost Rate Proposal for Calendar Year 1996 (Exhibit N). The amounts claimed in each Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice and the final indirect cost rates proposed in the Final Indirect Cost Rate Proposal for Calendar Year 1996 are the responsibility of SPRA's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the costs claimed and the proposed final indirect cost rates based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and Government Auditing Standards (1994 Revision), issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the direct costs claimed, as shown in Exhibits A through M, and the final indirect cost rates proposed are free of material misstatement. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the costs claimed and the amounts included in the final indirect cost rates proposed. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as

evaluating the overall presentation of the costs claimed and the final indirect cost rates proposed. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Internal Control

In planning and performing our audits of the costs claimed for the nine SPRA contracts listed above for the period June 30, 1992 through March 31, 1997, and the final indirect costs rates proposed for calendar year 1996, we considered SPRA's internal control structure in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the costs claimed and the final indirect costs rates proposed and not to provide assurance on the internal control structure.

SPRA's management is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of internal control structure policies and procedures. The objectives of an internal control structure are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit SPRA's reporting of costs on the Cost Contractor's Invoice, which are to be submitted to DOL by SPRA, and preparing the final indirect cost rate proposals, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and Federal regulations. Because of inherent limitations in any internal structure, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of the structure to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the effectiveness of the design and operation of policies and procedures may deteriorate.

We obtained an understanding of the design of relevant policies and procedures and whether they have been placed in operation, and we assessed control risk for SPRA.

Our consideration of the internal control structure would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control structure that might be material weaknesses under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of the specific internal control structure elements does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that errors and irregularities in amounts that would be material to a Federal contract being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control structure and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses as defined above.


Compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the SPRA contracts and the final indirect cost rates proposed is the responsibility of SPRA's management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the costs claimed and final indirect cost rates proposed are free of material misstatement, we

performed tests of SPRA's compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants. However, our objective was not to provide an opinion on overall compliance with such provisions. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.

In our opinion, the accompanying Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice (Exhibits A through M) and the Final Indirect Cost Rate Proposal for Calendar Year 1996 (Exhibit N), present fairly in all material respects, the costs claimed for the period June 30, 1992 through March 31, 1997, and the acceptable final indirect cost rates for calendar year 1996, in accordance with the aforementioned criteria.

This report is intended for the information of DOL and SPRA, and should not be used for any other purpose. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report which, when issued, is a matter of public record.

We held an entrance conference with SPRA officials on May 5, 1997. Our fieldwork was performed at SPRA's office in Menlo Park, California during the period May 5, 1997 through July 17, 1997. An exit conference was held with SPRA representatives in Menlo Park, California, on July 17, 1997.

This report is dated July 17, 1997, which represents the last day of our field work.

        / s /
Conrad & Associates, L.L.P.

July 17, 1997


Exhibit A


Contract No. K-3944-2-00-80-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 30, 1992 through October 30, 1996
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Staff Salaries and Wages $ 563,647 $ 558,769
Fringe Benefits 221,986 220,061
Staff Travel and Per Diem 38,004 42,185
Materials and Supplies 4,044 3,845
Communications 20,157 22,025
Property 5,000 4,993
Supportive Services 28,237 36,415
Subcontract Costs 813,969 814,046
Overhead 291,656 289,148
G&A 240,014 240,515
Fixed Fee 178,137 178,560
Totals $ 2,404,851 $ 2,410,562

Exhibit B
Contract No. K-4687-4-00-80-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 28, 1994 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Staff Salaries and Wages $ 240,816 $ 151,073
Fringe Benefits 95,251 60,584
Staff Travel and Per Diem 31,306 15,134
Consultant Fees 46,783 46,783
Consultant Travel and Per Diem 11,998 11,998
Materials and Supplies 41 46
Communications 9,636 8,074
Supportive Services 12,600 10,602
Subcontract Costs 135,541 97,203
Overhead 123,970 78,245
G&A 78,676 52,079
Fixed Fee 62,929 42,545
Totals $ 849,547 $ 574,366

Exhibit C
Contract No. K-4749-4-00-80-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
July 1, 1994 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Staff Salaries and Wages $ 114,449 $ 118,375
Fringe Benefits 45,009 47,419
Staff Travel and Per Diem 15,702 10,974
Materials and Supplies 0 188
Communications 7,717 11,334
Supportive Services 5,645 30,692
Subcontract Costs 162,595 128,046
Overhead 59,186 61,268
G&A 50,332 44,278
Fixed Fee 39,557 38,468
Totals $ 500,192 $ 491,042

Exhibit D
Contract No. K-5433-5-00-80-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 21, 1995 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Staff Salaries and Wages $ 128,502 $ 31,084
Fringe Benefits 50,572 12,405
Staff Travel and Per Diem 4,568 2,989
Materials and Supplies 8,226 110
Communications 6,517 2,041
Supportive Services 21,173 298
Subcontract Costs 113,943 13,585
Overhead 66,114 16,052
G&A 49,265 8,680
Fixed Fee 35,911 6,980
Totals $ 484,791 $ 94,224

Exhibit E
Contract No. K-5553-5-00-80-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
July 1, 1995 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Staff Salaries and Wages $ 66,587 $ 41,045
Fringe Benefits 26,035 16,343
Staff Travel and Per Diem 22,099 11,278
Materials and Supplies 0 23
Communications 1,373 1,055
Supportive Services 3,809 1,784
Subcontract Costs 92,512 52,045
Overhead 34,233 21,166
G&A 31,966 15,521
Fixed Fee 19,503 11,218
Totals $ 298,117 $ 171,478

Exhibit F
Contract No. N-5718-6-00-87-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
March 11, 1996 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Staff Salaries and Wages $ 65,094 $ 28,404
Fringe Benefits 25,868 11,350
Staff Travel and Per Diem 15,104 4,611
Consultant Fees 36,933 21,255
Consultant Travel and Per Diem 8,784 5,314
Materials and Supplies 0 17
Communications 2,002 1,456
Supportive Services 1,037 815
Overhead 33,529 14,679
G&A 17,599 9,718
Fixed Fee 13,021 6,833
Totals $ 218,971 $ 104,452

Exhibit G
Contract No. K-5950-6-00-80-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
July 1, 1996 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Staff Salaries and Wages $ 252,918 $ 116,921
Fringe Benefits 100,510 46,822
Staff Travel and Per Diem 32,234 4,553
Materials and Supplies 500 0.00
Communications 6,600 2,903
Supportive Services 12,759 978
Subcontract Costs 316,022 101,335
Overhead 130,273 60,504
G&A 81,541 37,888
Fixed Fee 64,271 25,624
Totals $ 997,628 $ 397,528

Exhibit H
Contract No. F-4957-5-00-80-30, Task Order No. 1
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 18, 1995 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Labor Costs $ 170,628 $ 161,004
Staff Travel and Per Diem 23,836 19,998
Telephone 900 1,958
Postage and Shipping 360 1,231
Supportive Services 878 779
G&A 3,366 2,562
Totals $ 199,968 $ 187,532

Exhibit I
Contract No. F-4957-5-00-80-30, Task Order No. 2
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 9, 1995 through November 9, 1995
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Labor Costs $ 68,833 $ 65,228
Staff Travel and Per Diem 3,223 3,030
Consultant Fees 6,400 6,400
Consultant Travel and Per Diem 1,140 1,099
Materials and Supplies 260 264
Telephone 1,555 1,587
Postage and Shipping 316 506
Supportive Services 2,300 3,090
Subcontract Costs 12,369 9,498
G&A 3,572 2,868
Totals $ 99,968 $ 93,570

Exhibit J
Contract No. F-4957-5-00-80-30, Task Order No. 3
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 26, 1996 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Labor Costs $ 109,804 $ 52,034
Staff Travel and Per Diem 3,144 2,707
Consultant Fees 27,675 16,125
Consultant Travel and Per Diem 2,290 2,290
Materials and Supplies 13 13
Telephone 496 563
Postage and Shipping 148 145
Supportive Services 1,222 238
G&A 3,656 2,393
Totals $ 148,448 $ 76,508

Exhibit K
Contract No. F-4957-5-00-80-30, Task Order No. 4
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 26, 1996 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Labor Costs $ 9,240 $ 7,563
Staff Travel and Per Diem 2,166 211
Consultant Fees 16,000 16,750
Consultant Travel and Per Diem 3,869 838
Telephone 276 303
Postage and Shipping 216 213
Supportive Services 293 407
G&A 2,385 2,045
Totals $ 34,445 $ 28,330

Exhibit L
Contract No. F-4957-5-00-80-30, Task Order No. 5
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
June 26, 1996 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Labor Costs $ 54,108 $ 13,767
Staff Travel and Per Diem 3,854 584
Telephone 600 396
Postage and Shipping 300 272
Supportive Services 411 1,111
G&A 540 306
Totals $ 59,813 $ 16,436

Exhibit M
Contract No. G-5966-6-00-87-30
Total Costs Incurred Per Cost Contractor's Invoice
For the Period
July 1, 1996 through March 31, 1997
Costs Reported
Approved per Cost
Budget Contractor's
Cost Category Amount Invoice
Labor Costs $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Staff Travel and Per Diem 0.00 0.00
Telephone 0.00 0.00
Postage and Shipping 0.00 0.00
Supportive Services 0.00 0.00
G&A 0.00 0.00
Totals $ 0.00 $ 0.00
NOTE: As of March 31, 1997 no tasks had been awarded under Contract No. G-5966-6-00-87-30.

Exhibit N
Final Indirect Cost Rate Proposal for Calendar Year 1996
Fringe Benefits
Proposed Accepted
by SPRA by Auditor
Salaries and Wages:
Project salaries and wages $ 556,382 $ 556,382
Bid and proposal salaries and wages 48,348 48,348
Overhead salaries and wages 99,209 99,209
G&A salaries and wages 19,409 19,409
Total applied salaries and wages (A) 723,348 723,348
Flextime taken 57,065 57,065
Holidays taken 29,873 29,873
Jury leave taken 476 476
Total salaries and wages  $ 810,762 $ 810,762
Fringe Benefits:
Paid leave (flextime) $ 72,107 $ 72,107
Holiday expense 29,873 29,873
Payroll taxes 65,433 65,433
Workers compensation insurance 5,314 5,314
Medical insurance 42,440 42,440
Retirement plan (SEP) 56,928 56,928
Jury leave 476 476
Long term disability insurance 4,967 4,967
Bonues 11,000 11,000
Total fringe benefits (B) $ 288,538 $ 288,538
Fringe benefit rate (B/A) 39.89% 39.89%

Exhibit N
Final Indirect Cost Rate Proposal for Calendar Year 1996
Proposed Accepted
by SPRA by Auditor
Project and Bid and Proposal Labor:
Project salaries and wages $ 556,382 $ 556,382
Project fringe benefits @ 39.89% 221,941 221,941
Bid and proposal salaries and wages 48,348 48,348
Bid and proposal fringe benefits @ 39.89% 19,286 19,286
Total project and bid and proposal labor (C) $ 845,957 $ 845,957
Overhead Expenses:
Overhead salaries and wages $ 99,209 $ 99,209
Overhead fringe benefits @ 39.89% 39,574 39,574
Overhead materials and services:
Overtime premium 31 31
Personnel recruitment 2,785 2,785
Seminars and professional meetings 1,509 1,509
Publications and references 2,467 2,467
Dues and memberships 148 148
Outside services (copy, clerical, etc.) 3,976 3,976
Operating supplies 36,894 36,894
Travel 2,134 2,134
Business conferences and meetings 1,516 1,516
Communications 8,940 8,940
Postage and shipping 1,729 1,729
Internet access 2,954 2,954
Other professional services 2,083 2,083
Facility rental 94,315 94,315
Taxes and licenses 0.00 0.00
Depreciation 21,199 21,199
Amortization - leasehold improvements 1,288 1,288
Utilities 0.00 0.00
Maintenance and repairs 2,470 2,470
Insurance - general 802 802
Miscellaneous expense 95 95
Total overhead expenses (D) $ 326,118 $ 326,118
Overhead rate (D/C) 38.55% 38.55%

Exhibit N
Final Indirect Cost Rate Proposal for Calendar Year 1996
General and Administrative (G&A)
Proposed Accepted
by SPRA by Auditor
Project Costs:
Project salaries and wages $ 556,382 $ 556,382
Project fringe benefits @ 39.89% 221,941 221,941
Total project labor 778,323 778,323
Overhead applied to project labor and fringe
benefits @38.55% 300,044 300,044
Project materials and services:
Staff travel and per diem 61,643 61,643
Consultant fees 49,011 49,011
Consultant travel and per diem 8,442 8,442
Materials and supplies 876 876
Telephone 14,771 14,771
Postage and shipping 9,167 9,167
Supportive services 52,612 52,612
Subcontracts 357,778 357,778
Overtime 0.00 0.00
Property 4,993 4,993
Total project costs 1,637,660 1,637,660
Less: Subcontracts over $25,000 (230,945) (230,945)
G&A base (F) $ 1,406,715 $ 1,406,715
Bid and Proposal Costs:
Bid and proposal salaries and wages $ 48,348 $ 48,348
Bid and proposal fringe benefits @ 39.89% 19,286 19,286
Total bid and proposal labor 67,634 67,634
Overhead applied to bid and proposal labor
at 38.55% 26,073 26,073
Bid and proposal materials and services:
Staff travel and per diem 328 328
Consultant fees 315 315
Consulant travel and per diem 0.00 0.00
Materials and supplies 60 60
Telephone 122 122
Postage and shipping 624 624
Supportive services 1,136 1,136
Subcontracts 0.00 0.00
Overtime premium 0.00 0.00
Total bid and proposal costs (G) $ 96,292 $ 96,292

Exhibit N
Final Indirect Cost Rate Proposal for Calendar Year 1996
General and Administrative (G&A)
Proposed Accepted
by SPRA by Auditor
G&A Expenses:
G&A salaries and wages $ 19,409 $ 19,409
G&A fringe benefits @ 39.89% 7,742 7,742
G&A materials and services:
Overtime premium 0.00 0.00
Personnel recruitment 6 6
Seminars and professional meetings 0.00 0.00
Publications and references 13 13
Dues and memberships 0.00 0.00
Outside services (copy, clerical, etc.) 343 343
Operating supplies 1,906 1,906
Travel 0.00 0.00
Business conferences and meetings 0.00 0.00
Communications 338 338
Postage and shipping 73 73
Internet access 160 160
Advertising 0.00 0.00
Accounting and audit 9,849 9,849
Legal 0.00 0.00
Other professional services 0.00 0.00
Facility rental 4,964 4,964
Taxes and licenses 1,152 1,152
Depreciation 1,116 1,116
Amortization - leasehold improvements 68 68
Utilities 0.00 0.00
Maintenance and repairs 130 130
Insurance - general 42 42
Miscellaneous expense 5 5
State income taxes 1,013 1,013
Total G&A expenses 48,329 48,329
Total bid and proposal costs (G) 96,292 96,292
Total G&A and bid and proposal costs (H) $ 144,621 $ 144,621
G&A rate (H/F) 10.28% 10.28%

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