Office of Inspector General

U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Audit
JANUARY 31, 1998
Report No.: 17-98-001-12-001
March 27, 1998

March 27, 1998


MEMORANDUM FOR:                     OLENA BERG
                                                              Assistant Secretary for Pension
                                                                and Welfare Benefits Administration

                                                                  / s /
FROM:                                                JOHN J. GETEK
                                                             Assistant Inspector General
                                                                for Audit

SUBJECT:                                        Streamlining the ERISA Filing Acceptance System (EFAST) and
                                                             Development of the Enforcement Management System (EMS)
                                                             As of January 31, 1998
                                                             Final Status Report No. 17-98-001-12-001

On September 30, 1997, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued Final Status Report
No. 09-97-007-12-001. Since then, OIG has continued to consult with staff of the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (PWBA) on its project to streamline the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Filing Acceptance System (EFAST) and the associated task to redesign/revise the Form 5500 series for annual reporting. Also, OIG has been working with PWBA's project manager and team on the Enforcement Management System (EMS) development. This report is the second of what will be a series of semiannual reports, that will present results (status) on accomplishments, issues, and concerns of our joint endeavor with PWBA.

At the end of our fieldwork (January 15, 1998), much still remains to be done with the Form 5500, EFAST and EMS. Contractor proposals must be evaluated in order to acquire contractor services to design and operate the systems; the public's comments about the Form 5500 must be considered before it is finalized; and the EMS must undergo system integration testing and test plans must be completed. We performed our work using guidance from the Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation's Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology, September 1996.

During the last 6 months, PWBA made much progress in redesigning/revising the Form 5500 series. PWBA published the proposed revisions to the Form 5500 in the Federal Register for public comments on September 3, 1997, and also held a public hearing on November 17, 1997. At this hearing, PWBA solicited comments regarding how the proposed changes could be implemented in a manner that would minimize the impact on plan administrators and direct filing entities. As a result of the hearing, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Social Security Administration (SSA), and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) decided that it would be appropriate to introduce the new Form 5500 for the 1999 plan year. This new date was selected for two main reasons: (1) to consider how best to accommodate the comments received from the public and (2) to give plan administrators and service providers more time to modify their management information systems to provide the data needed for the Form 5500.

This date change has correspondingly changed the scheduled development/implementation date for the EFAST system. The four agencies also decided that the implementation of EFAST and the new Form 5500 should occur in the same filing cycle, i.e., the 1999 plan year. We have been subsequently informed by PWBA staff that a review of proposals submitted in response to an RFP to develop a new system began February 17, 1998.

PWBA is replacing its Case Management System (CMS) and Field Office Case Management System (FOCMS) with a new system that will be called the Enforcement Management System (EMS). The total replacement of the PWBA case management systems is necessary for several reasons: (1) the limitations of the current mainframe system, (2) the difficulty in moving an old DOS-based application to the new Windows platform used by the agency, and (3) inefficient double record keeping in the field and National Office. This new system according to PWBA's original project management plan was to be operational by October 1, 1997. It was not implemented on schedule due to: (1) new requirements imposed as a result of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), (2) complexity of programming within the Windows environment, and (3) shifting of EMS development resources to other PWBA priorities. Because of additional programming requirements, the cost of EMS has risen by $483,905; from $1.21 million to $1.69 million.


Since 1996, PWBA has been working on streamlining ERISA information processing requirements. PWBA's streamlining project consists of developing a computer system which will expedite the receipt and processing of Form 5500's information and revising the Form 5500s to reduce the filers' paperwork burden. PWBA has also worked on developing a new internal management information system for the enforcement case tracking system. The Congress has approved moving the Form 5500 processing from the IRS to PWBA. PWBA has represented that the cost for the EFAST development will be $9 million. Congress appropriated $6 million in Fiscal Year 1997 (with 2-year funding) and included an additional $3 million for this effort in PWBA's FY 1998 appropriation.

When the project is completed and EFAST is implemented, PWBA projects that over a 5-year life cycle, total operating costs will range from $68 to $79 million. Further, PWBA projects that over the same 5-year life cycle, the Government will realize about $57 million in savings because the new system will be cheaper to operate than the current IRS Form 5500 processing system. Other benefits include improved efficiency and effectiveness, reduced paperwork burden on the filers, and increased accuracy, timeliness, and quality of pension plan information.

PWBA is replacing CMS and FOCMS with EMS because CMS does not meet the current needs of management. FOCMS is an internal system used by PWBA field offices to track case openings, closings, and results achieved. FOCMS contains information such as open cases for each investigator in regional and district offices, the status of voluntary compliance attempts, cases referred to the National and Regional Solicitor, and summary data for closed civil and criminal cases. CMS is a nationwide system that compiles statistics from FOCMS and is used in reporting to Congress and other external entities.


At the conclusion of our fieldwork, PWBA and OIG had agreed on a number of actions that must be taken to ensure the overall success of the streamlining effort.




OIG will continue to work with PWBA on its design, development and implementation of the EFAST, the revisions to the Form 5500 series, and the EMS. OIG will provide independent insight and expertise in the assessment of PWBA's information technology plans and investments.

PWBA chose not to comment on the draft report. However, if you choose to comment on this final report, please do so within 60 days.

If you would like to discuss the report's contents, please contact Robert Curtis, Director, Office of Performance Audits at 219-6641.


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