U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General

Audit Report


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This report reflects the findings of the Office of Inspector General at the time that the audit report was issued. More current information may be available as a result of the resolution of this audit by the Department of Labor program agency and the auditee. For further information concerning the resolution of this report's findings, please contact the program agency.

Report Title:  Ft. Simcoe Job Corps Center

Report Number:   09-98-001-30-379

Issue Date:  March 31, 1998

We performed an audit of the Fort Simcoe Job Corps Center (FSJCC). This audit covered (1) program performance statistics for Program Year (PY) 1995 (July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996) and (2) FSJCC expenditures as reported on the ETA Form 2110F, the Job Corps Conservation Center Financial Report for the same period.

We concluded that Job Corps could not rely on financial or program information reported by FSJCC. While performance results regarding General Education Development (GED) and High School Diploma (HSD) attainments are accurate, performance results regarding overall vocational and academic achievements are not supported. Vocational training records did not support that FSJCC had properly trained students before certifying them as vocational training completers and allowing them to enter the employment force. Academic achievement claims were based on data that had been improperly manipulated and not corrected by FSJCC management. In our opinion, these problems significantly reduce the reliance Job Corps can place on FSJCC performance statistics in evaluating FSJCC program accomplishments.

We also concluded that financial systems used to report costs for the FSJCC need significant improvements. Until improvements are made, we do not believe that Job Corps can rely on the financial systems to produce accurate and timely financial information regarding FSJCC.

The following summarizes the audit findings:

A.      Vocational Completions Claimed Not Supported

B.      Academic Achievements Overstated C.      Internal Controls Need to Be Improved D.      Expenses Claimed by USBR's Boise Regional Office Are Unsupported E.       "Program Direction Costs" Need to Be Defined F.      Required Records Missing From Student Files We made recommendations to the Employment and Training Administration to correct these deficiencies.

In response to the draft report, USBR disagreed with the report's conclusion that the current financial systems do not produce accurate and timely financial information. Also of major concern was the implication that the financial and program deficiencies identified by the report, based on the Center's conditions in Program Year 1995 (July 1995 through June 1996), still exist. The Bureau generally agreed with the program performance findings.

Job Corps agreed with the finding and recommendations regarding program performance but did not comment on the financial finding or recommendations, pending a review of the Bureau of Reclamations response.

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