U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General

Audit Report


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Report Title:  Review of Davis-Bacon Modernization Funding

Report Number:  04-98-003-04-420

Issue Date:  February 19, 1998
Congress appropriated $3.75 million in Fiscal Year 1997 to the Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division, for the purpose of developing and implementing improvements to the wage survey and wage determination systems. At the request of the House Appropriations Committee, the OIG prepared a compilation of funds used for Davis-Bacon improvements.

We found that the $3.75 million was spent on the following activities:

The Wage and Hour Division also received $3.75 million in Fiscal Year 1998 to continue Davis-Bacon improvements. Wage and Hour is spending $1,628,700 on two Bureau of Labor Statistic's (BLS) fringe benefit surveys and one union status survey currently under way. Wage and Hour plans to spend about $2 million on computer systems contractors who are designing and developing the new computer system. The remainder will be spent on data verification and ADP hardware/software.

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